Project Grey

Join us to deal with polarization online and offline

Digital hate messages are an everyday occurrence and may hit home hard. Take for instance threatening tweets about refugees or supposedly racist national traditions. Radical groups are also present on social media for instant to recruit young people. As youth worker or social workers you will have to be online. But how do you go about it? Join Project Grey to deal with online and offline polarization.

Project Grey teaches you the best ways to deal with online hate messages and instigation and their consequences in the ‘real world’. After following a training course you go straight to work. You’ll spot what is happening online in your region using an innovative online tool, you’ll assess hate messages and report them.

You’ll spot what is happening online in your region using an innovative online tool

You will also be invited to support the online Project Grey campaign. For instance by approaching people who are trying to voice an opinion in the ‘grey area’ who will then be supported by campaign expressions.

You’ll also be able to trace trends and new polarizing topics. The training taught you what is the best way to act. Do you intervene in the online discussion or do you address someone in person? And what is it you mention or don’t mention? Do you enter into a conversation with young people in the street and subsequently organise a meeting on the topic?

Why join?

  • You learn to spot online polarization and extremism at an early stage and to act upon it in a preventative or reactive way both online and in your neighbourhood.
  • You update your knowledge regarding effective ways to prevent and combat (online) polarization.
    You use an innovative tool to monitor ‘hot’ themes in your region and identify people who are reinforcing extremes or voicing a more balanced opinion.
  • You can distribute the campaign materials that you help to develop with Project Grey in your own meetings and online.
  • You enlarge your network by participating in the training course and the follow-up meetings.

Effort required

Training course and follow-up meetings: 4 half days (not including homework)
Online monitoring and campaigning through tool: 1 to 2 hours a week

Start training

(Registration is facilitated by Movisie. These pages are in Dutch. If you need help, contact us.)


Participation is free.

Yes, I'm in

Are you and/or your colleagues interested in participating in Project Grey? Or do you want to know more about it? Send an email to